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Luseke - A natural grass drinking straw
The uncontrolled use of plastic is one of the most pressing challenges facing our planet with it's ecological and health hazards. One of the commonly used plastic items are plastic straws that often leave us with the challenge of having to drain them out of the environment. While going straw-free is ecologically desirable, straws are still preferable to many people for various reasons. Against this backdrop, it has become a necessity to search for a perfect eco-friendly alternative.
Paper straws have increasingly gained popularity, but they come with the inconvenience of being less durable as they easily get soggy when used. Green Vibe brings a zero-waste natural grass drinking straw commonly known as "Luseke" in the Ugandan local dialect Luganda. The grass is harvested, washed, and cut into straw-sized tubes with lengths measuring 20 centimeters. Then, an iron rod is used to clean the inner part of the straws, followed by a thorough process of washing. The straws are then sun dried for two to three days and finally baked in an oven. They are compostable, free of chemicals, and quite affordable. ​
Calabash gourd bottles
Calabash gourd bottles were commonly used for drinking beer, water and other home use purposes. Today, Calabash gourd bottles are more ceremonial, and there use is less common than it used to be. Our idea is to improve the production process to make them cleaner and more appealing for use in homes and businesses as sustainable replacements for plastic.